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  • Law Office of Kelli Y. Allen, PLLC

US to Reopen Land Borders in November for Fully Vaccinated


On October 15, 2021, the White House announced that COVID-19 travel restrictions for fully vaccinated international visitors will be lifted on November 8, marking the end of 21-month long restrictions. The historic travel restrictions barred millions of visitors from much of Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, and Brazil, which significantly decreased tourism and harmed the economies of border communities.

Vehicle, train, and ferry travel between the United States and Canada and Mexico have been only limited to essential travel (e.g., trade, medical, government, or educational purposes) since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. By mid-January, essential travelers must be fully vaccinated to enter the country, while unvaccinated visitors will still be barred.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will ask travelers entering the U.S. by vehicle, train, and ferry about their vaccination status. There will also be a secondary screen process to verify proof of vaccination. There will be no quarantine period for foreign visitors.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the international travelers must obtain a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by U.S. officials or the World Health Organization. Procedures for admitting travelers who received doses of two different vaccines are being finalized.

The United States is one of the few remaining countries to lift such restrictions. President Donald Trump issued an order to life travel restrictions on European and Brazilian travelers in January, but President Joe Biden reversed the order before it became effective.

While Canada allows entry to fully-vaccinated individuals with proof of vaccination status and proof of a negative test within 72 hours of entering the country, there are no COVID-19 entry procedures of travelers entering Mexico.

Are you seeking an immigrant visa or a non-immigrant visa into the United States? Call our Charlotte immigration attorney at the Law Office of Kelli &. Allen, PLLC at (704) 870-0340 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule a consultation.
