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  • Law Office of Kelli Y. Allen, PLLC

Executive Action Update

Kelli Allen

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will hear the Government's appeal in Texas vs. U.S. This is the case that challenged President Obama's authority to implement his 2014 executive action order. This order created the DAPA program, which would allow certain undocumented parents of U.S. citizen or LPR children to apply for work authorization and be shielded from removal. It also expanded the 2012 DACA program.

The Court's announcement does not guarantee that DAPA and DACA will be implemented. Rather, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case this term, meaning that there should be a decision announced by the end of June 2016. If the Court rules in the government's favor, the President, through USCIS, will be allowed to implement the DAPA and expanded DACA programs.
